Tool Storage

Traditionally, tools were kept in heavy wooden chests, wall mounted cabinets or in user made fixtures around the workbench. However, the heavy carpenters' chest is hardly sold now, most of them where required being user made.

Where tools are used in a workshop, a place for each thing is better than everything in the same place.

Tool clips provide an excellent means of keeping tools tidy in the workshop, shed or garage.

Where tools have to be stored in a cupboard or taken to the job it is important to ensure that they are properly protected.

Chisels should have chisel guards so that the honed edges do not chip or do damage to the handles of others.

In addition to tool bags and holdalls there are a number of rolls and wallets and to quote an example it is better to keep chisels in a wallet with the wallet inside a tool bag rather than to allow the chisels to rattle around.

Talk to our experts who will be happy to talk you through the various options available

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